A New Home

Posted in black and white on Monochromia.

Sunflowers in vase highlighted by sun coming through window blinds

Some of you may know that I’ve been in the process of selling my house and moving – downsizing from my suburban home of 21 years where my husband and I raised our three (now adult) children into a much smaller apartment in Washington, DC. We began this journey back in January, and last week Wednesday, we finally moved into our new home.

It’s been a grueling six months, and all the things I love to do (ahem, photography, blogging, connecting with fellow bloggers, walking, reading), have had to take a back seat. But this past Monday, the first day I was able to sleep in and relax since nothing was planned but unpacking boxes at whatever speed I chose to do it, I awoke to the sun streaming in our bedroom window and I pulled out my camera for only the second time since January. I have to admit, I was a bit rusty, tying to remember what settings I had assigned to which button. But then it all started to flow and I felt like I had reconnected with an old friend.

To all of you who have liked and commented on my Monochromia posts here and on Visual Venturing but have not received replies, my sincerest apologies. Likewise, I have missed seeing so much of all of your work. But that all begins to change as the boxes become unpacked and possessions put away. My heartfelt thanks for sticking with me.

By the way, anyone need a couch?

Update August 10, 2016:

Submitted to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Morning

75 thoughts on “A New Home

    • Well, clearly the move has left me behind on replying to comments 😦 That being said, I am enjoying the new space and my new neighborhood. You’ve given me a few great ideas for new posts – “My New Neighborhood in 10 Photos” Or “My New Home in 10 Photos”! What do you think? 🙂

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  1. Congrats on the move and new home, Stacy. Sounds like most of the hard work is over and now you can kick back, unwind and relax. Beautiful shot of the sun streaming over those sunflowers. Such a cheery sight. Good luck with working with your camera again. I’m sure you’ll have no problem 🙂


    • Thanks, Mabel! All that’s really left is choosing and framing photos to hang on the walls 🙂 As for my camera, I’m looking forward to becoming a regular at the National Zoo which is literally right next door and free! A wonderful place to meander and shake the dust off my photograph boots 🙂

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  2. Oh gosh! that’s awesome-blossom Stacy. Congratulations to you and your Mr for getting into your new home. Having done this in the recent past, I do feel for you. Alys is here right now and we’re having a blast, so I have lot’s of visiting at WordPress to do to. Take it easy SF and things will find their way into drawers, cupboards and closets in no time. xo ❤


    • I’m sooo thrilled you and Alys had together times!!! Though I haven’t had a chance to read the blog posts, I’ve loved seeing some of the photos – and all look so happy. And, yup, things will find their way. And for those things that don’t? Guess I didn’t need them after all 🙂 xo

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  3. Yay for you! So happy that you are finally able take a breath, sleep in a bit later, and take things at a tad bit slower pace. This image is lovely! I mean seriously, how can anyone NOT love it: sunflowers and shadows. No rustiness in this image, Stacy.
    Welcome back and welcome home!


  4. Ah, near the zoo – lots of opportunities for photos there 🙂 I love that area of NW DC with so many different ethnic restaurants, easy access to Rock Creek Park, the National Cathedral gardens (don’t forget your camera when you go)…enjoy exploring your new surroundings and waking up to sunshine streaming thru the blinds 🙂


  5. Congrats on the move, Stacy, and new digs. D.C. is great, as you know since you’ve moved in! I’ve lived there and visit there. I’m planning on exploring Rock Creek Park with my camera in near future… lots of history there. Enjoy your new home!


  6. The worst of it is behind you. I’m so happy for you, Stacy. Your photo is a lovely reentry into the things you love. Once the boxes are unpacked, I hope you’ll treat us to a photographic tour of your favorite new home features. Enjoy!


        • So true, Alys! Though the heat of the next few days will be a bit restrictive, which is okay as we will have a few boxes to unpack and things to hang 😉 I look forward to getting that done while in the comfort of air conditioning!


        • I’m visiting Kelly in Alberta and it’s hot even hear, though we are much further north. I’m glad to be away from San Jose for a time. As for DC, I hear the humidity is brutal. Have fun hanging those pics. They’re what makes a house feel like home.


        • Yes, yes, yes, love seeing the photos of the two of you together! I know you’ve written a post (or maybe more) about your visit, I just haven’t had time to read. But I’m looking forward to it. As for DC, luckily the humidity is back in the normal range for the area (which, truthfully, is still too much for me, but better than a lot of other places!). And pictures are slowly making their way into frames and going up. It does make all the difference. xo


        • I’m happy to hear that pictures are making it into frames. It sounds like things are coming together nicely. I’m way behind on my reading, too. I’ve traveled twice this summer, and have also been busier than usual with projects, both work and home. I’ve had very little time in the garden which I miss. I’ve either been gone or it is simply too hot. The growing pumpkins like it though.

          August is my least favorite month in San Jose. It’s hot, dry and smoggy.


  7. I await your return to blog-land. Take your time. But it’s wonderful that the camera is like an old friend and you remember all your settings & preferences when you put your hands back on it.


  8. Finally! Moving house is always a big chore; I know, I’ve done it many times. I think waking up to this beautiful scene every morning would stir my soul too! Good luck in your new home and many new adventures in D.C. Enjoy your weekend…


    • Thanks so much, Janina! The end certainly is worth the prior angst 🙂 It’s a lovely apartment, filled with light and wonderful views. I can’t wait to finish settling in and go exploring in my new neighborhood. We’re actually right next to the National Zoo, which will certainly provide some wonderful photographic opportunities 🙂


      • The zoo…yes, definitely, and I will lay a bet that the night sounds coming from there will make you sleep better! Nature is great that way. Looking forward to your new neighbourhood exploration imagery. Cheeri-hoo! Have a good weekend! 🙂

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  9. Hello my old and good blogging friend; Just to say this image is Perfect for this post (love it); I perfectly know what you mean.
    Congrat´s and good luck in your new life. My “Happy Dance” for you Stacy!


    • Thanks, Joe. Though I think I’m really partial to it in color (I LOVE yellow flowers), I wanted to post something on both blogs about the “end” of my journey and I was really pleased it translated well into b&w. I do so love Monochromia!!


  10. The featured image is beautiful – the calm and settled feel with the window blind shadow – and the flowers remind me of the ones they sell like this – with the gel?
    Anyhow – Hope you enjoy your new place


      • Well I used to have some similar artificial ones – but in pastels – and they added so much beauty to a dreary winter dining room! I think the yellow really fit a summer vibe – 😉
        And I just noticed the lines in the composition too – from the stems to the others – fun shot and talk to you later this month for OPF


        • That’s why I love these – always ready and never need watering 🙂 I have some yellow tulips like this in a much larger vase that sit on my dining room table 🙂

          1PF – gotta get the next post together! Have a great week!

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        • Oh the tulips sound good – and i think these beauties are an example of our technology – the gel they use for the water and the silk flowers – truly a gift of our times !

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  11. I’m glad you’ve got through it and were able to sleep. When you say, gruelling, I can just imagine! I’m moving to my new home next week, having moved back to the UK from living in Crete. I’ll let you know as soon as I get a good night’s sleep again!

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