Photo Op

Lincoln Center Fountain at night Plaza, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, New York City

This is the first of a few images I have to post from Lincoln Center. No tripods are allowed on the plaza, but the ground worked just fine for this shot.

14 thoughts on “Photo Op

  1. Beautiful Stacy! I didn’t know about the tripod rule at Lincoln Center plaza…not that I carry a regular tripod around in the city. I do have a mini one (about 7 inches). Would they allow that?


    • Hi, Mar! Tripods are allowed on the sidewalk in front of the plaza steps, which definitely helps. As far as being able to use your smaller tripod, I don’t have an answer. I can tell you that by the time the shows had let out and I had made my way from the main plaza to the area in the back, I used my tripod. I don’t know if I would have been stopped at that point if someone had seen me – I was either lucky or by that time it didn’t matter. Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂

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