Santa Monica Pier

Santa Monica Pier

Leaving the East coast for the West last Sunday morning, my daughter and I arrived in Los Angeles and have been busy visiting colleges in the area. Taking a break from the hectic schedule, we ventured out to Santa Monica Pier last evening.

The sun was just beginning to set, and the silhouette of the amusement park against the distant mountains was gorgeous. I should have, but didn’t, bring a tripod with me, so I used the next best thing – I leaned my camera against the trunk of a palm tree!

I knew I needed to do a bit of post processing on the image, and I have to say I am missing my big screen. I used to edit on my laptop, until I investigated and purchased a beautiful, color-calibrated monitor about a month ago. I was told that once I post-processed on that, I’d never go back to the laptop. I was skeptical, but boy, has that turned out to be true. I’m not 100% certain that the edits I have made on this photo would be the same had I done it on my monitor, but I’m sharing it and am hoping for the best.

Stay tuned for a future post with photos from our night at the pier!

2014-08-05 update: For a look at some of the rides in all their swirling glory, visit Capturing Motion on the Santa Monica Pier.
2014-08-24 update:
For another silhouetted view of the Pier, visit Santa Monica Silhouettes.

27 thoughts on “Santa Monica Pier

    • Marsha, thank you so very much for your incredibly kind comment. It came at a much-needed moment for me. And thank you, as well, for your follow. I’m honored you have chosen to include my blog in your reader. I hope I continue to please.


  1. Hi Stacy – I came to your blog this morning and saw “My Two Top Favorite Posts” and just had to come visit. This is a wonderful image. I can just imagine how it felt to be there that evening, especially after a hectic day.


    • Thanks for the visit, Laurie, and for following the trail – it definitely was a picture perfect evening! You’ll have to come back and visit the other one of my favorite posts; it, too, is from the Pier, but of all the whirling fun amusement rides πŸ™‚


  2. This is fantastic. How much did that color calibrated monitor set you back? I spend hours at home on my desk top, then look at the results on my monitor at work and want to pull my hair out. I wonder what people actually see of our work?


    • Thanks, Emilio! I know your frustration – been there, done that! The monitor set me back quite a bit — about $1100 USD. But it is worth every single penny! It has made such a difference, not only in the quality of my post-processing but in my peace of mind, knowing I have done everything I can to control my output. I don’t know if you are aware that I wrote a blog about color management for photographers ( and also guest blogged on Leanne Cole’s blog about the same issue. You’ll find the link to that huge and very helpful discussion on my post.


  3. Lovely image Stacy. I truly like the mood and the way the roller coster referes to, or simulates, the line of the mountains on the background as well as the ferrys wheel to the sun. Beautiful!


    • Glad you like the photo, Jaime! Love your thought about the shapes of the rides and the shapes in the background – hadn’t picked up on that. Have to tell you, I rode that coaster two times at my daughter’s request, and in return, she joined me on the Ferris wheel. I managed to take some photos that I’m hoping to find some time to work on to post at some point πŸ™‚ Thanks, as always!


  4. Lovely photo of one of my very favorite places! You captured it beautifully. I hope you enjoy the college visits. Imagine how fun it would be to visit your daughter in California periodically throughout the year. : )


    • Hi, Laura! So glad I did justice to one of your favorite spots. And I have to admit that coming west to visit wouldn’t be a bad thing πŸ™‚ Thanks for your kind comment!


    • Hi, Karen πŸ™‚ It was hard duty waiting on the beach with the breeze blowing and the surf breaking, waiting for the rolleroaster to make its rounds πŸ˜‰ shooting nighttime photos is something new for me, so I was delighted with the result. Thanks, as always, for your comments. I’m so awfully behind in seeing what you and others have been up to — getting ready to travel and then traveling is messing with my blogging life!! But I’ll be by as soon as I get a break, promise.


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