23 thoughts on “Monochromia: Rear View

    • Thanks, Cindy! As you will surmise, I’m very much behind on my blogging! I just saw your comment from mid-December. Yikes! Seems the holiday spirit did me in 😉 Does your daughter live in NYC? You may have mentioned that at some point, but given my “lack of” memory of late, I figured I’d ask 🙂


  1. Like graydaysandcoffee, I love the shadows. Glad you kept them all, including the longest shadow, in frame. Quite the NY shot.


    • Well, I wish I could say I was aware of exactly where my framing was with respect the longest shadow, but I really can’t remember. I was so focused on the rear ends 🙂 But, heck, I’m gonna go with it and say, but of course 😉 Thanks, Emilio.


Any thoughts?