Monochromia: Window Peeping

Originally posted on Monochromia.

King Street, Night, Old Town Alexandria, VirginiaKing Street, Old Town Alexandria, Virginia

Confession: I’ve always enjoyed window peeping. Walking out of the restaurant after dinner last night, I was struck by the lighted scenes in the windows, the street lamps, and the rising moon. I couldn’t resist pulling out my Fuji.

— Fuji X100T, fixed 23mm f/2.0 lens, 1/60 sec @ f/2.5, ISOΒ 3200 —


15 thoughts on “Monochromia: Window Peeping

  1. Window peeping and creating stories while street walking…my memory recalls a passage from “The Little Princess” that is associated with imagining life on the other side of windows. Your image invites me to ponder πŸ™‚


  2. I’ve always enjoyed, as you put it, window peeping. Unfortunately the peepee did not. I was arrested and spent the night in jail with Big Louie, who surprised us all with his transition to Louise. But that’s another story…


Any thoughts?