18 thoughts on “Potless Pothead

  1. I had to enlarge the photo before i got the title. Too funny and what a great shot. There we were rin Boulder and it never crossed our minds to venture out of the box. Guess it’s cuz we have so much fun drinking vino and sharing our own warped sense of sister-humor 🙂 I’m just loving your photos. You are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!


    • Dave was very patient with me while I mumbled to myself about apertures and shutter speeds, but then lightbulb moment – try this thing called “shooting from the hip” – just set the camera and go! Much more pleasant for him, and as it turns out, I loved this technique. It would have been a blast to have you there as well as I’m sure your wonderfully creative eye would have seen photographic opportunities that mine didn’t. And then, of course, we would have stopped for that glass of vino 🙂


    • Thanks for your encouragement, Helen! It was so much fun, and Boulder is a fantastic place to walk around. The mall was busy because of an arts and crafts show, but not as busy as during the school year. All the Colorado University students return the end of August, and then the photographic opportunities must skyrocket 🙂


  2. It starts right here 🙂 I like this shot, and it looks like something that I’d shoot. Experiment with different focus settings, move from multi-point focus to single-point focus and play around. You can get some col ands unexpected shots.


    • Shane, you truly inspire my street shots, seriously. I never would have gotten out and tried street photography without your “Split-Second Story” challenge. Shooting from the hip was certainly a fun experiment, and one I am using more – with brief forays into actually raising the camera to my eye 🙂 I’m finding I’m continuing to enjoy your challenge though its been long over! Thanks for the tips. I really do appreciate them!


Any thoughts?